Working Toward A Milestone December 20, 2011
Setting milestones for projects is a highly effective motivator. I do this at my software startups, personal projects, and of course our house restoration. Figure out what motivates you to complete your projects and use that to help you accomplished your goals. For us, we use parties. We love having our friends over and sharing what we have built. We’ve been successfully running most of our big projects like this for years. We find that if we don’t have a goal to work toward its easy to drag your feet and find yourself saying, “I’ll get to it next weekend”.
Our most recent milestone was getting the house decorated for our annual Christmas party. We drape the house in icicle lights, poinsettias, and top it all off with an 11 foot tree. Then we invite over a hundred of our friends and enjoy the holidays together. Thanks to all who came to make it the best Christmas party we’ve ever had. It was such a great time that I’ll be even more motivated to do it again next year. Happy New Year!
Just found your site surfing for local Victorian restoration blogs – I love what you’ve done to this house! It’s one of my fantasy dreams to find an un-remodeled victorian and restore it to its former splendor!
You aren’t by any chance on Steiner about a block from Alamo Square park, are you? There’s a house on that street which had a similar xmas tree in the window.
Thank you for not gutting it, painting everything white, and pretending a victorian is a modern house. We need more people like us to show that we can live a modern life while keeping the souls of these houses alive.